Hey Colossus / Hotel Wrecking City Traders - Split 12 Inch
$25.00 / Sold Out
This split's been in the pipeline since 2006, Melbourne's HWCT + London/Somerset's HC have been long time talkers, finally meeting when they did some shows together in 2014. The Australian duo tore it round Europe for 3 weeks, HC hooked up for 3 of the shows (including the London Desertfest). One long tune each.
HWCT go JAM-HEAVY with 'Droned and Disowned (Pt.2)', ripping on some mid 80's NY insistent guitar clang, building and building, being led by the drums, chased by the riffs, 22 smoke filled mins.
HC take it doooooown with 'Heaven Blows', a 3am 'question where you're going with your life' come down tune, drones flying about, twinkly dream synths, vocals from outta nowhere.
Split 12 / Download is out July 24th on Wild Animals Records + Bro Fidelity Records
216 copies (Various colored vinyl)